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Domenico Operetto

During the time he was studying in IT at Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, he worked as IT technician for sports competitions of martial arts. Then he worked as software developer to improve and provide new software for sports companies in need of a new IT system. He is still the main supervisor of the IT section of these competitions.
He worked also as IT Operator Technician for Crionet in national and international competition of tennis this time, in order to travel and make even more experience outside of Italy and Europe. 
Before becoming an IT counsellor for E-Lawyers, he built various skills and experience as main software developer for multiple teams of lawyers and students for a projects that are at the present still in progress. He developed this way his skill in legal field as much as in the fields of privacy and security.

He obtained also the European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) and he made multiple project in different programming languages and systems as: C, C++, C#, Ruby, Pascal and PL/SQL, Oracle, MySQL, CodeIgniter, Unity3d etc…



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