The progressive increase in agreements concluded via internet has led to the creation of a specific category of contracts, called "IT contracts". This expression includes all the contracts that base their economic-social function on information technology, i.e. contracts for the use of IT tools, contracts for the acquisition, processing and dissemination of data by means of IT tools, as well as contracts that are formed through the information technology tools and any other legally relevant activity that can be accomplished by using the computer as a means of formulating the act or transmitting the act. According to this concept the expression indicates all the legal activity in which the IT tool is relevant, with its direct and indirect effects, including the matter of protection of the rights of the personality, the so
called protection of privacy, and finally also the illicit matter, made following the establishment of a computer report, which is part of the effects of IT contracts.
The agreements entered into in the IT sector can be divided, according to a traditional classification, into three categories: hardware contracts, software contracts and IT services contracts. To these classic categories is added a new category of telematic contracts having as their subject new services related to the Network.
e-lawyers thanks to its team of specialists, is able to provide the drafting of IT contracts, tailored to the customer and taking into account his business, in full compliance with national and international legislation.
e-lawyers services:
Drafting of the following Hardware contracts:
Hardware sales contract;
Lease contract;
Leasing contract;
Commodate Contract;
Hardware service and maintenance contract.
Drafting of the following Software contracts:
Software supply contract;
Software license agreement;
Shrink wrap contract;
Freeware software license agreement, shareware, trial version, open source and copyleft;
Software development contract;
Software assistance and maintenance contract;
Software loan agreement;
Software leasing contract.
Redazione dei seguenti contratti di servizi informatici:
IT services tender;
Outsourcing contract;
System integration contract;
Back up contract;
Disaster Recovery Agreement;
Engineering contract;
Body Rental Contract;
Contract for the creation of databases;
Contract for the creation of multimedia works.
Drafting of other types of contracts related to new technologies:
IoT contracts;
Cloud contracts.