The subject of video surveillance, has a series of limitations and constraints in our system that can expose the user to sanctions by the Guarantor for the protection of personal data. The installation of cameras is lawful only if it is proportionate to the purposes intended to be pursued, in particular:
Video surveillance systems must only be activated when other measures are insufficient or unworkable;
The eventual conservation of images must be limited in time;
Subjects must always know if an area is under video surveillance;
If it is true that the right to the protection of personal data does not prejudice the adoption of effective measures to ensure the security and verification of the offenses is also true that the installation of video surveillance systems must not violate
the privacy of citizens and must comply with the personal data protection code.The Privacy Guarantor has dictated the principles of a general nature valid for both public and private subjects adopted in compliance with the fundamental provisions on privacy, lawfulness, necessity, proportionality and purpose. Therefore video surveillance systems can record identifiable people only if anonymous data can not be used to achieve the intended goals.The collection and use of images are permitted only if they are based on the conditions of lawfulness: that is, for public subjects, when they are necessary for the performance of institutional functions and, for private individuals, when they are necessary. Furthermore, before installing a video surveillance system, it is necessary to assess whether its use is really proportionate to the aims pursued or if it is not superfluous. In other words, systems must only be activated when other measures (alarm systems, other physical or logistical checks, protection measures at entrances, etc.) are really inadequate or unworkable.e-lawyers thanks to its team of specialists, is able to provide companies, businesses, small and medium-sized businesses with video surveillance, in full compliance with industry regulations.
e-lawyers services:
Preliminary verification for the design of the video surveillance system or verification of the system already in use;
Implementation of security measures appropriate to the installed video surveillance system;
Support in the choice of the product to be installed, with relative positioning of the cameras and information on the processing of personal data;
Image preservation and evaluation of possible outsourcing of the service;
Document adjustment (drafting privacy policy and protection of workers in the company);
Assistance in case of preliminary verification of the video surveillance system to the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data;
Assistance to the data controller, relations with data subjects in order to provide adequate answers to specific requests for clarifications on the subject or to complaints / appeals;
Monitoring of all data processing activities in order to ensure compliance with the regulations in the specific reference organizational situation;
Support for relations with the Guarantor Authority on all issues that may have invested the company or the institution in terms of privacy;
e-lawyers training:
The e-lawyers team, carries out customized company training to ensure constant updating to national and European legislation regarding the protection of personal data